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LUNES (MONDAY)                      

Albondigon de Pavo (Turkey Meatloaf): puree de papas, habichuelas / vainitas, arroz con leche, whole wheat bread 1oz - 1 tsp margarina, jugo o fruta fresca y leche 1%.


MARTES (TUESDAY)                      

Fideos Chinos con Pollo (Chicken Lo Mein): lo mein noodles, zanahoria, plátanos maduros, whole wheat bread 1oz - 1 tsp margarina, jugo o fruta fresca y leche 1%.


MIERCOLES (WEDNESDAY)                      

Ziti con Pavo Molida (Ziti & Turkey Meat Sauce): pasta, vegetales mixtos, manzana con canela, whole wheat bread 1oz - 1 tsp margarina, jugo o fruta fresca y leche 1%.


JUEVES (THURSDAY)                      

Pollo Parmesano (Chicken Parmesan): pasta, espinaca, pudin de limón, whole wheat bread 1oz - 1 tsp margarina, jugo o fruta fresca y leche 1%.


VIERNES (FRIDAY)                      

Filet de Pescado Empanizado (Filet of Fish Milanese): arroz, brócoli, pudin de pan con duraznos, whole wheat bread 1oz - 1 tsp margarina, jugo o fruta fresca y leche 1%.


SABADO (SATURDAY)                      

Pollo Frito al Horno (Oven Baked Fried Chicken): papa al horno, berzas, postre de manzana, whole wheat bread 1oz - 1 tsp margarina, jugo o fruta fresca y leche 1%.


DOMINGO (SUNDAY)                      

Filete de Pescado en Salsa Criollo (Mediterranean Fish Filet): arroz amarillo, espinaca, postre de melocotón, whole wheat bread 1oz - 1 tsp margarina, jugo o fruta fresca y leche 1%.


Latin America is a highly diverse area of land whose nations have varying cu isines. Some items typical of Latin American cuisine include maize-based dishes arepas, pupusas, tacos, tamales, tortillas and various salsas and other condiments(guacamole, pico de gallo, mole, chimichurri, chili, aji, pebre). These spices are generally what give the Latin American cu isines a distinct flavor; yet, each country of Latin America tends to use a different spice and those that share spices tend to use them at different quantities.

Latin Menu "E" Sin Carne y Sin Puerco (NO BEEF & NO PORK)

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